Homes For Sale In Metamora MI.
Homes for sale, for rent and sold homes in and around Metamora MI.
Homes Currently For Sale and Sold In Metamora MI
Your 6-Month Mortgage Rate Forecast
Average List Price $318k | Median List Price $272k | 5.9 Months Of Supply
Metamora does not have a school system. Residents of the village attend Lapeer Community Schools, Dryden Community Schools, Oxford Community Schools, or private schools within Metro Detroit.
Held annually is Metamora Country Days and Balloon Festival where about 20 balloons launch on Friday and Saturday evening. The festival is held on a late August weekend every year.
Metamora and its surrounding township is notable for its beauty. The Metamora Hunt is a historic organization dedicated to the pursuit of foxes by horses and hounds. During the fall the hounds will often be seen being taken on hunts and take up the entire dirt road.
For ALL of your Metamora MI real estate needs:
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If you would like to view any of these homes in person, we would be happy to set a time to get together and tour them along with any others that come on the market. Please feel free to call, text or email us for any further help or questions.
Team Success Listing LLC
“Professional Real Estate Services”
Donald Horne, Broker / Owner
Shirley Grindle, Buyers Agent